Oh! You Wanted Turkey On That Turkey Sandwich?

Oh! You Wanted Turkey On That Turkey Sandwich?

This job has been so fun. I'm drinking in all the personalities and interactions, and how the business is run.

And, oh yes, I'm also making mistakes and learning from them.

I had trial by fire hose of sandwiches yesterday, which I handled moderately well, thanks to my coworker "S" who jumped in to help. I tried to stay focused and calm and rational as the sandwich orders kept rolling in.

At one point, as she wrapped a sandwich for me, S said, "Not to doubt your sandwich making skills, but why is this pesto sandwich so thin?"

I looked over the list of ingredients and said, "I'm not sure. I think everything is on there."

We wrapped it, dropped it in the bag with the other sandwich from the order, and waved the couple off with their To Go order.

I took a deep breath since the shop was finally empty, started to clean up the sandwich station, and found the 1/4 lb of turkey that was supposed to go in that pesto sandwich. 😁

"Um, S, I know why that sandwich was so thin." 🥴

One broken glass, a turkey-free turkey sandwich, and getting the time wrong for my scheduled shift; not too bad for the first few weeks on the job.

As Buds and I wait at Dulles for our delayed flight, I'm creating digital flashcards to memorize what is on each of our sandwiches. It won't stop me from making mistakes, but I won't make the same one twice.

Some of our Sammie's.