Yessa Serves

Yessa Serves

She thought she was only going for an interview, but after she visited with the food service manager for awhile he said in a matter of fact way, "So I'm going to hire you. Let's get paperwork started."

She had an interview for a different job two days later, so there was a fair amount of angst deciding if she should cancel that one or not. After much thought, she chose to accept the posting she was offered and cancel the other interview.

She's been working for over a week now, and she's getting more and more comfortable. The role is a server in a retirement community. This facility has multiple dining rooms, and the one she has been in most often has about 14 people at meals. The job involves bringing up the meals in a "hot box" from the kitchen downstairs, setting and cleaning up the tables, serving the food, filling the snack areas around the facility, and generally being a pleasant, kind presence.

A hot box example.

She's been driving herself so we have the delight of hearing all the stories after she gets home each night.

Off she goes.

There have been a few mishaps, like an overturned pitcher, or the wrong meal to the wrong person, and she has handled each of them with grace and calm. I've been so impressed with how she is settling into these new life experiences.

The new semester begins in a couple weeks, and she's got a full course load, so another opportunity to juggle multiple responsibilities. With her plans to transfer to a four-year college next year, the puzzle pieces are slotting together.

Home again with more stories to share.