Vegan Pastrami, Anyone?

Vegan Pastrami, Anyone?
My first 30 minute break in my 6 hour work day.

I've got a job!! I'm working at the GrassFed Vegan Butcher just a couple blocks from us.

It's part-time. I can walk to work, and my co-workers tell me it is the most relaxed food service opportunity they have ever had. (Yessa seems to have lucked out in that realm, too.)

I am learning so many new things, plus spending my time with people half my age makes me feel young and spry. (The owner is almost my age, but not quite.)

Everyone has been so generous with their knowledge and answering my countless questions. Of course, I love the customer interaction as well. We serve delicious food, made by hand, which is healthy and good for you and the planet.

It's a little slice of plant-based heaven.

Stop in for a sandwich!