Monkey Turns 22!

Monkey Turns 22!

The kid that started it all turned 22 on August 7! What a joyful, lovely journey it has been.

One of the many things I love about Monkey is that she knows herself and she knows what she likes. For this birthday (and the last one, and maybe the next one), she wanted Costco cheese pizza, Barbie movies, and fro yo.

The pizza and movies we enjoyed on her actual birthday. The fro yo we decided to wait and share with friends who are coming in to visit this weekend.

Yessa had to work 4-7, so Monkey, Buster, and I settled in early to watch the first movie, Barbie And The Secret Door.

It was a little trippy, and Buster and Monkey had many snarky comments, but we were laughing.

Barbie's Grandma sharing a story.
Waffles wanted to watch, too.

After that, Buds and Yessa joined the party and we watched an old favorite, Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses.

As a surprise, while we watched the first movie, Buds and Buster put together Monkey's big birthday present: her very own Cacoon.

The big reveal...

It takes up a large portion of the living room, but it is so incredibly cozy and comfy, it is worth it. We may move it out to the front porch, but for now we're enjoying it inside.

I made business phone calls sitting inside it this morning.

It was a lovely day to enjoy a lovely Monkey.

As always, I'm so grateful she was born and that she is who she is.

Happy birthday, Beloved Monkey.

Always stylin'.