Going North for the Summer

Hi, it's Buster. Will I ever write another of these? Maybe!
I play a lot of video games (this will not be a shock to many people who know me) and for many years my constant companion has been my gaming laptop, with all the angles and solid black color scheme and unnecessary LEDs that are so typical of things made for gamers, for some reason.

Last year my computer developed issues with its hard drive, so with my dad's help we cracked it open like an oyster and replaced the offending part. But whatever evil curse made my previous laptop's monitor snap in half and my previous phone randomly crash wasn't satisfied, and my computer's memory started failing.
Its performance had already started to suffer though, in addition to not being strong enough to play some games in the first place (Elden Ring, I'm talking about Elden Ring.) so I already planned to build a stronger PC at some point in the future. Shockingly, if your current computer is dying slowly, that's a strong incentive to stop delegating tasks to your hypothetical future self.
After spending a good chunk of a day consulting my dad, the resident PC building expert, we figured out what parts I wanted to use. This included the PC case Fractal Design's North, which is the only part I'm shouting out in particular because damn that thing looks good.

After a painfully large purchase and a thankfully short wait, all of the parts arrived, and we could get working on putting it together.

I genuinely learned a lot about building a PC, and I probably also contributed maybe.
One assembly montage later, it was put together:

While admittedly I don't have a ton of experience with super powerful computers, the new PC has been working wonderfully, and hasn't even had a random crash from a memory problem once. And it runs Elden Ring.
My laptop is still around, and still starts up, at least, though who knows how long that will last. I'm a little sad to leave it behind, and all its eccentricities. Like how the headphone jack stopped working. And how the fans were too loud and had to be replaced, and were still too loud afterwards. And how it would sometimes lag for three or so seconds with no connection to what I was doing at the time.
Maybe I'm not that sad.