ROC'in Kind Of Day

ROC'in Kind Of Day
Apple Kuchen

Yessa had to go back to the Occupational Medicine Clinic to have her TB test checked. (No surprise, she does not have TB.) It was a Saturday morning, and CrossFit was closed this weekend, so Buds and I went along with her for an outing.

As we pulled into the clinic/slushie bar, Buds noticed an Italian bakery right next door and told us, "I'm going to go check out that bakery and be right back."

Thanks, Google Maps, for the photo.

Yessa and I were sitting in the empty waiting room when Buds walks in with a large white bread bag and a goofy, self-satisfied grin on his face.

"They give you a loaf of bread when it is your first time visiting."

Piping hot sesame loaf. It was delicious.

After Yessa was cleared of TB, we walked over to pick up some treats at the bakery. As I watched the lovely white-haired woman behind the counter box up the sweet eats we had chosen, I noticed the older style cash register.

"Do you take credit cards?" I asked.

"No, just cash." she replied.

"How about a check? " I asked hopefully.

"No, because the bank charges me if a check doesn't go through. Not that your check wouldn't, but I had to pay $60 one time when a business's check didn't clear."

"Is there an ATM close by?" we asked, hoping to figure out a way to not miss out on this deliciousness.

She calmly continued boxing things up.

"Just pay me the next time you come in."

We looked at each other in disbelief, yet simultaneously not surprised.

We thanked her, scooped up our boxes, drove to the closest ATM, and drove back to pay our bill.

Thank you cannolis for the people who work where we drop off our compost.

We had planned to go to Artisan Works for our family outing, but Monkey wasn't feeling great, so we'll go a different day. Buster suggested a family game night, so Yessa, Buds, Buster, and I had a raucous round of Cards Against Humanity. Playing that with the kids was another first.

In the midst of all this, friends texted to ask if we wanted to go jet skiing. We took a rain check on that since we had plans with the kids. I mention this because it fills me with such joy and peace to feel like we have really settled into this place and created a circle of friends here, too.

Cards Against Humanity brought a great deal of laughter, and a lot of, "I'm not going to play this card," and then showing the table the completely inappropriate, vulgar card so we could all laugh at it together anyway.

Buddie won by one card.

Yessa, Buds, and I finished up the night watching the final episodes of "Pressure Cooker," a cooking-based reality TV show on Netflix. Our favorite chef won, and there was much cheering.

And in more great news, Monkey felt well enough to do her Saturday night streaming. A blog post explaining all that after I get her approval.

Beautiful weather, time together, and loving reminders of the kindness of friends and strangers. What a glorious day.