Family Friday -- Letchworth State Park

Family Friday -- Letchworth State Park

The Letchworth website terms it "The Grand Canyon of The East." Having seen the Grand Canyon, we had our doubts. And we were right, this is no Grand Canyon, and we loved it for that.

We left home in the afternoon which gave everyone more time in their morning for sleep or other activities. The drive was a little over an hour and it took us through several cute villages and beautiful countryside.

A modest $10 fee, and we were in.

Letchworth is a long, skinny park.

This is the map they offer at the entrance.

We drove in the Castile entrance, eventually exiting out at Portageville. The friends we had talked to about the park all said they loved it, but didn't have specific locations they loved; just try out anywhere.

With no guidance we decided to try out the lower end because it included "Inspiration Point" and the Autism Trail, both of which intrigued us.

If you expand the picture you can see the areas we focused on.

Not knowing what to expect, as soon as we saw a beautiful spot, we pulled off the road to take a look.

There was a bit of excitement/heart palpitations because a very excited Mocha immediately jumped up on the wall overlooking the gorge. That got our attention.

After that though, we could take in the view.

A panorama from Buds.

We tucked Mocha in the car and took turns sitting with her some of the time.

She was so happy to be along.

After this overlook at the Archery Field, we headed for Inspiration Point, where we'd be able to see two of the three waterfalls simultaneously.

It did not disappoint.

Middle Falls in the middle. Upper Falls near the bridge. Lower Falls not visible.
The day was gorgeous.

After being inspired, we made our way to the Autism Trail. We had no idea what to expect, but I had high hopes.

It exceeded them.

This was a trail created on public land, but with private funding and advocacy. A dedicated group of people working together to create something profoundly soothing and beautiful.

The beautiful entrance
Each area had a copper plaque with the name of the area.

We all had to put our hands on the hand print for this one.

The second area was where we lost Monkey to the Cacoon.

We all loved them, but she requested we leave her there until we were done with the trail. She felt so safe and cozy.

Mocha was the only one who didn't try them out. 😆

The next area was a fantastic music creation area.

Yessa and I split off to see some areas further ahead and found hidden critters carved into stone.

And then the real critter.

Back to pick up Monkey, a stop at the snack bar in the park, which was unexpectedly delicious, and then the scenic drive home.

A shot of the falls as we left the snack bar.

From here on out, the Grand Canyon will be "The Letchworth of the West."

It was a great day.