Dang It, Otis!

Dang It, Otis!
Smart enough not to pee on tomatoes.

As Buds, Mocha, and I returned from our morning walk, I could see a fluffy white dog walking through our yard. We were a few houses away, and on the opposite side of the street, but close enough to see the fluffy white dog cock his leg to pee on our potted tomato plant.

You can imagine my feelings.

I crossed the street to be sure I could "introduce" myself.

"Did you just let him pee on my tomatoes?!"

Dark haired, 30'ish white guy holding the leash responds with...

An apology, you might guess would be his response?

You'd be wrong. He went with a clarification.

"It wasn't much, but, yes."

Since it seemed that he doesn't understand what normal humans would expect of plants they hope to eat from, I clarified.

"If you could refrain from letting him do that in the future, that would be great."

Then I could focus on more important matters; meeting the pupper.

When I asked, "Who is this?" and opened my hands to pet him, the long-haired, white, lean, sweet one came over, jumped up on my side and begged for love.

"This is Otis and he loves you," said white dude. (Of course that blatant flattery worked.)

Otis, who only has one eye, could read the room better than the tomato-hater attached to the other end of the leash, Jeff.

I accepted Otis' snuggles and licks of apology.

Then with a nod, Jeff and I went about our day.

People are complex.

Wonderful enough to have a loving, lovely one-eyed dog, and daft enough to pretend "only a little" pee is okay on the tomatoes. 🤔