Garden Party

The ABC streets, a neighborhood across the highway from us, sponsored a garden walk today. For a donation of a couple bucks, you picked up a map of all the neighbors in a 4 block radius that were opening their backyard gardens for public display.

We purchased a lemonade from one of the stands littles had set up and we walked and walked and admired.

You can't hear the water trickling down through the "stream" above, but this garden backs right up to the highway and the water helps camouflage the auto noise.
We talked with so many people and learned the stories of their gardens and their lives.

We learned we really like art scattered in amidst the garden.

We realized we really could do more with our backyard, although we love our deck and front so much, we probably wouldn't spend much time back there.

We love a beautiful water feature of some sort.

And just as it was cool to walk around a museum with a glass of port wine, it was so lovely to walk through gardens with musicians playing and artists scattered around the neighborhood painting water colors of the homes and gardens.

We just keep finding more and more reasons to love this town.