What a Grand Visit

With great joy and excitement, we headed back to Nashville to celebrate our nephew's high school graduation. It was such a delight to be back to see so many people that we love. Yessa decided to go with us, which was another wonderful bonus.

We stayed with Teresa and Jeremy. They have done a vast amount of work in their back garden. It was already beautiful, but now it is next level.

On Thursday, Buds worked, but Yessa and I headed to Bellevue to grab lunch at our favorite Mexican place and a visit to our favorite neighbor and friend.

The graduation was in the evening on Thursday, and the weather was a little touch and go. The graduating class was 430 people, and the storm clouds were looming, but it was a lovely ceremony.

We had the chance to gift him the scarf we picked up for him at the fútbol game in Valencia.

We got to see so many of our loved ones and to cheer for this kiddo we love so much.

On Friday, we crammed in 3 meals by 1:30 to be sure we got time with as many of our loved ones as possible.

It was so good to see our people. All of them. And, Duke and Dixie!

We do not miss Tennessee, but we sure do miss our people...and their pets.