Spain 2024-Day 15-Córdoba

Spain 2024-Day 15-Córdoba

Our first full day in Córdoba, we decided to be tourists.

We began the day at Veca Cafe; a spot where the main attraction was that they opened early. We sat outside and it was beautiful and the coffee and food were pretty. (We're tired of eating out. 😉 I know that's a very privileged complaint.)

Tomato spread is very common here.

I'm writing this post two days after they actually happened, and we're going back to this cafe for a science experiment this afternoon.

We've gone there for breakfast twice. Each time I've gotten decaf coffee with soy milk for the cappuccino. Both times they brought me both sugar and artificial sweetener. Buds only got sugar.

Today we're going back and switching orders to see if the artificial sweetener comes with your order or your gender.

Place your bets now. 🧐

After this we headed over for our visit to the Cathedral-Mosque. This I did remember from visits in my young adulthood, and I was thrilled Buddie also found it beautiful and interesting.

Buds also got us tickets to climb the bell tower. Always a good decision to get the best views.

Climbing up and up...

We didn't stay long enough to hear the bells up close and personal.

We had time to relax and crowd watch before our timed entry into the mosque-cathedral. Also long enough for Buds to get reprimanded by a guard for trying to take some time lapse with Bob. 😝

We were fascinated by the watering system using gravity.

Zoom in to see the spigot in the side of the fountain wall.
Water pours through the interconnected canals to water the trees.
This powerful art.

Once inside the beautiful building, we were free to wander and go on any order with our audio guide.

It's a beautiful, peaceful space. Some areas felt empty and calm. Others were overflowing with tourists.

He lost me in the crowd near the main altar.

When we had our full of learning and tourists, we went in search of our next adventure.


Then we took a walk to the local mall. Buds' sunglasses got broken, and that was a non-touristical place to get a new pair. It was a hot walk, but a fun place to visit.

We had gelato there and the raspberry gelato was so tart our jaw joint locked up.

After a little siesta, we were excited to explore the local festival of the patios.

Much like open houses in the United States, people with beautiful patios open up there home to allow people to come in, ooh, ahh, and get ideas.

So many blooms.
Typewriter tableau set up in one courtyard.

We enjoyed seeing the different patios, but the one where we are staying is the best. Based on the plaques on the walls, they have been part many, many times.

By the time we had toured five that were officially on the tour and stuck our heads in several other places that just had their outer doors open, but weren't on the tour, 😳, we were ready for dinner.

Buds found us a cute Mexican restaurant that was a long walk, not too busy, and delicious. And surprisingly, decorated with Masters of the universe, Playmobil, and gremlins. 🤷‍♀️

Not for sale. Just to look.
Veggie tacos

Our first sangria of the trip.

So refreshing.

Then, wonder of wonders, on our way home we went by the school festival where we got to see the tiny cow girls and boys.

What a grand day.

Blue tequila shot from the "Cielito Lindo" restaurant. (Cute little sky)-9