Spain 2024- Day 0-Hanging out at Logan

It was a decent night of sleep for most of us. Buds and I woke up at 3:30, visited, then fell back to sleep until Monkey came in at 5:30 for some snuggles and conversation.
Truly up and around at 6:30, the morning was relaxed and comfortable.

Yessa and Buster drove us to the airport this morning, leaving home at 8.

Buster got an extra shot for us as they drove off.

The flight to Boston was quick and easy and since we've been here we've walked and walked, gotten lunch, and saw the world's ugliest plane.

The airport, especially the international terminal, is really quiet. Our flight is early for a flight to Europe, so we're ahead of the crowds.
Buds is back from his jaunt so I'm off to have a walk around before the hours of sitting.
All is well and we're so excited.