30 Years

30 Years
The day we met.

The traditional 30 year relationship gift is pearls. Here are a few pearls of wisdom for you:

1) Park by the cart corral. Walking a ways to the Costco door is easy. Being parked by the cart corral after surviving Costco is priceless.

2) After you've been together 30 years, do whatever the heck you want to celebrate the gift of time you've been given. Not everyone gets it.

Buds and I met on February 4, 1994. That's when I first saw him, that's when I knew.

To celebrate this milestone, this morning we purchased tickets for a 3 week adventure in Spain in April/May 2024. We've already got the general plan laid out and we're excited for our next travel. It will be our first international trip alone since we went to Italy when we were pregnant with Monkey in April 2002. That was a fantastic trip. Looking forward to making this one as memorable.

We traveled with a crowd back then. 🥰🥰