Engagement Photo?

Engagement Photo?
It did take 1 1/2 years to get to this point. 

I'm settling back into life in Rochester after my summer and fall in Iowa, and I've been slowly unpacking the bins of stuff I brought home from Iowa last week.

Mom sent me home with this first official picture Buds and I had taken together and I was telling the children about it.

I was teaching school in St. Louis, and a photography company gave the teachers a free photo shoot. I had known Buddie two weeks and asked him if he wanted to go get a picture taken with me. He said, "Sure." Thirty years later, here we are. The photographer asked us if this was an engagement photo and we blushed and said, "Maybe..." giggle, giggle.

Two weeks later we were engaged.

Seems like a simple story to me until the children start having a few questions.

"Whoa, whoa, wait. You had known him 2 weeks and you asked him to get a professional picture taken with you...and he AGREED?!"

"So, if one of us brought someone home and said we were getting married after 2 weeks, you couldn't really say anything, could you?"

"You've set an impossibly high bar."

Okay, it sounds a little crazy when you point out those little quirks of the story, but I wouldn't change a thing. Except possibly a little less hairspray on those bangs.