What's To Love About Iowa
These last months at Mom's have been the longest I've visited since we lived here pre-2007. It's been a long enough visit to remind me of the things I love about this place.
As you probably suspect, for me it's all about the people.
*I loved seeing the doggo above. She loves riding with her face in the wind, and this is how you do it safely. Her owners obviously love her a lot.
*When I was moving items into Mom's new apartment today, an older white gentleman came up to me said said, "Do you want to know our connection?"
Of course I did!
He has coffee every Wednesday with my sister-in-law's dad.
*I'm assuming because of the respect afforded RAGBRAI, people here know how to drive around bikes. Only once have I felt crowded by a van.
*Iowans like to visit, at least the ones where Mom is moving to. And it's my favorite kind of visiting; honest, deep information about people's lives and history, and then they ask about you. It's not one-sided, and it's not just about who died and their aches and pains.
*I'd forgotten how much I love the phrase, "out on the farm."
"Where did you grow up? Where did you live before here? Where did you raise your family?"
"Out on the farm."
*People are so very willing and truly want to help. Mom's neighbor texted me this morning to tell me she'll wash the sheets on moving day so the beds can be made with clean sheets after they are set up in the new space. These were the same neighbors who dropped me off and picked me up at the airport last week. It makes life so much easier.
*My one disappointment is the overall friendliness of the CrossFit here in town. I've worked out at four different times to see if it was different at any of them, and finally realized the friendliest group overall was the 5 a.m. crowd, so that's when I've been going.
At our first CrossFit, if Coach Maggie found out everyone hadn't introduced themselves to a new person, we all had to do burpees. Blunt and effective, much like that coach. I miss that.
It was fantastic being home in Rochester last week, and I'm sad I missed the first snow flakes they had yesterday, but it has been lovely to be reminded of the beauty of Iowans.