Gem-Fest 2023 Housing

Gem-Fest 2023 Housing

We’ve stayed in a lot of beautiful, character-laden homes over the years. This one was literally the most “character-heavy” ever.

Buddie’s parents kindly paid for the housing for everyone again this year, which is always such a help.

Ten bedrooms, 19 beds, 5 full bathrooms, a private pool, and plenty of parking. It had everything we needed, although they were a little chintzy with hand towels. 😁

One of the days everyone was out, we had an outing with just Buster, and I took the time to grab room photos while the house was empty.

Plenty of parking for the 4 vehicles. Notice the cut and paste style housing across the road.

Looking back toward the main entrance.

The dining room table was great for puzzles and games.

The mini-bar

The Harry Potter room/game room/bunk room.

It took several people hunting for a long time to try and find the lights to the Harry Potter room. Guess where they were?

Behind Slytherin of course.

The outdoor spaces also served us well.

Florida cage pool. Everyone has one.

Pool fence and clothes line.

The extra seating on the patio was nice.

Buds and my bedroom. No theme, but why the heck didn’t they split the matching prints above the bed?!

This would have been Monkey’s room if she had been along.

Three of the bathrooms were Jack and Jill arrangements. We shared with the Pokemon Room.

The stuff of nightmares. 😳

Buster and a cousin shared Transylvania.

The youngest cousins shared Frozen.

The Star Wars room hosted multiple cousins.

Another gathering space upstairs.

There was a clubhouse close to us. We used the pool there a couple times, and got a group workout in using the workout facilities. There was also a larger main clubhouse area we tried out one time.

The clubhouse area near us.

It even had a lazy river.

My favorite human was walking toward me when we simultaneously realized he had his swim trunks on inside out. He went off to change with my peals of laughter trailing behind him.

The entry hall had enough room for the annual shoe pile. All is well.

I love the annual shoe pile.

Family photo by the pool with a rainbow reminder to Florida that we are on the side of love.

Notice Monkey? Thanks to the sweet cousin who made sure she was included. ❤️❤️

Discussion still ongoing about where we’ll gather next year. Will we top 10 bedrooms and 19 beds? Time will tell.