How It Went At Home - Europe 2023

How It Went At Home - Europe 2023

We knew the eldest two would be fine at home, but this was still the first time they would be alone for a long amount of time. They had Grandma at the beginning, and Buddie’s parents were only a few hours away, and we have friends in town who would have been willing to jump into help, and knowing they had all this support, they handled what came up with grace and wisdom and support for each other.

As you know, Grandma had to leave soon after our trip started. So they had some time with three adults, and lots of time with just the two.

Sending Grandma off with love.

The meals to make.

Mise en place

The process

Everybody eats.

A long-time favorite made with a cheese powder Dad was very excited to buy.

Eerie forest fire skies

Buster likes broccoli and eggs.

B ac on b urger

The chef

Buster made sure there was a meal waiting for us.

Mocha loves a snuggle.

She’ll take the love where she can find it.

Adulting solo-level unlocked.