The Support Crew - Europe 2023

The Support Crew - Europe 2023

There need to be at least two posts about back home in the states, and I’m going to write the easier one right now.

Monkey and Buster have been superb stewards of home and hearth. Babs flew in before we left to stay with them as a voice of ageless wisdom and life experience, but due to reasons I’ll talk about in a different post, she had to fly back to Iowa.

The two eldest children have been taking care of pets, they took care of Babs, cooking up meals, cleaning the house, washing the laundry. They’ve been getting a full taste of adult life, right after finishing up from their semester of college work.

I could not be prouder of how they have managed everything. And it’s also been insight into areas where I have inadvertently been in their way for growth by doing so many things without realizing I was depriving them of knowledge.

Knowledge like knowing if this soap was only for certain uses.

I’ve gotten lots of cooking pictures, cleaning questions, and fun insights into their days.

The neighbor’s dog who likes to watch Mocha.

We got a couple weeks delivery from the meal service Teresa likes to give them some cooking fun, which has led to lots of cooking photos.

Organized prep
The glorious finale

When it was time to fly Babs home, I took care of switching her tickets, but they took care of everything else.

Calling the Lyft, helping her get inside and checked in, then Lyfting back home to a house free of anyone over 21. 😉

At the airport
Off she goes.

And of course, they toss me a bone every once in awhile by sending me pictures like this:

Clean kitchen. 😆

My conversations with Monkey are often interesting or funny articles we’ve read we think the other person will like, or discussions about her day. They are a little more private. And as I mentioned in a previous post, I have a special talent of trying to call her when she is in the bathroom.

Good times. 😉😉😉

With Buster, he’s just writing the blog post for me:


He makes my heart happy.
These two…💖💖

I’m so incredibly grateful to have these two kind, loving, resourceful, clever humans in my life.

See you in less than a week. 😘😘