Barbie World - Europe 2023

Barbie World - Europe 2023

Decades ago, before children, when I was traveling the Midwest and East Coast to give business seminars, I once stayed in a convention center hotel where the International Barbie Doll Collectors’ Convention was happening. It was fantastic to witness and so next level it almost feels like I should not say I love Barbie dolls. Compared to those collectors, my love and memories are about a 4 on a 1-10 scale. But I have wonderful childhood memories of imagining stories for hours with my dolls. Monkey, also, was enamored of the story telling possibilities with these dolls.

And here’s a trailer for the upcoming movie, which I’m looking forward to seeing.

Thank you for the digression, here’s the real reason for my post. 😆😆

Buds and I had our morning wander and came across this most perfectly pink of bakery/cafes.

It wasn’t open when we first walked by and then when it did open, Buddie wanted to check reviews, but I said, “Let’s go in for Monkey’s sake.” Monkey has a deep and long-standing love of pink.

In we went and I was entranced. It felt magical and beautiful. I am so amazed by people with design sense, and the designer/dreamer for this glorious place had a vision they cleaved to in every way possible.

Outside seating
Menu – Buds ordered a café bombom.
The Maître d’ in the pink suit was a fantastic part of the immersive experience.
The slogans in English. We’re so spoiled by the language skills of other countries.
My gorgeous cappuccino
Buddie’s delicately pink croissant.
The cutlery, the chairs, the floor, the walls, all delicate shades of pink.

The bathroom was also beautiful, although the full wall of mirrors was disconcerting.

Monkey, if we could have teleported you to breakfast with us, we would have. 💖💖 I’m mentioning Monkey with this picture because I have an uncanny ability to call her when she’s in the bathroom. 😆😆

A feast for the eyes.

Yessa has commented several times on this trip that the camera is just not able to do the colors or the experiences justice. That’s how I felt about this bakery. Even pink haters would have felt infused with delight.

For these few moments this morning, I was perfectly, pinkly pleased. 💖