Kate's In A Play...Betty Tosses The Shot...And Everyone's Driving

Kate's In A Play...Betty Tosses The Shot...And Everyone's Driving

A couple weeks later posting this. On to the show…

It was time for Kate’s spring play and Yessa and Mocha decided they’d go with me this time.

On the road on a Friday morning.

Yessa had her first chance at driving on the interstate and she handled it like a pro. Driving 65 mph is quite an exhilarating experience!

My view from the passenger seat.

We got to town before rush hour and I headed over for some time with Jenny and crew while Yessa settled in.

Mocha getting the love. 💖💖

Jenny, Lucca, and I visited and then we dropped off Aidan at work before picking up our sushi dinner.

Laughter, sharing, and time with Brendan, too, made for a perfect beginning to the weekend with all these people I love.

Their snuggly blanket shirts…🥰🥰

Mocha spends a lot of her time when we visit on high alert; watching all the people, watching for the toys shaped like balls, wrestling with Mike, getting played by Della who pretends to want one toy in order to trick Mocha to take it so Della can get the toy she really wants, and Mocha also has to make sure Mike and Della aren’t getting more love than she does.

Surveying the land.

She also quickly learned that if she sits by the kennels when Mike and Della are put in them whenever everyone is leaving the house, she gets a treat, too.

I’m waiting patiently, Favorite Kelly.

Kate was very busy all weekend with the play, but we popped over to the school and got to see her briefly.

Kate is the first of the triplets to have her license, so she and Yessa went out for breakfast on Saturday morning, just the two of them, and Kate drove!

Betty had a Saturday track meet and I was thrilled to get to see her compete!

Kate was Susan in “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” and she was fantastic. I took pictures, but I wasn’t supposed to so I won’t post them.

But Yessa got some great ones post-production.

After the play we had a little time to hang out and visit and, as always, it was good to be home with these people love.

The dog whisperer got in a little Mocha time. 💕

It was great to be together.