Buster Turns 19

Buster Turns 19

He preferred a simple, cozy celebration at home, bookended by school work, and that’s what he got.

Monkey came home from campus with us after Yessa’s ASL class, so we were all together to enjoy a birthday dinner.

Buster adores Wegmans’ sandwiches so we placed our food orders and off I trotted to pick them up.

Dinner, here I come!

He received a beautiful haori (a Japanese clothing item) he requested and game play gift cards, as well as a couple months of a clothing subscription service as his gifts.

Monkey headed up for a quick rest in her own bed while the rest of us played Super Smash and let the birthday fellow win. 😁

To give an idea of how things went for me, at one point I yelped, “Where did I (my character) go?”

“The way of the dodo, Mom.” quipped the witty birthday boy.

A stop at a new-to-us frozen yogurt place on our way to take Monkey back to campus, then home for some more composition writing.

Overall a good birthday and a reminder of how grateful we are for him.

I wanted to have a pair of compare and contrast photos, but I had too much fun looking at them to not share extras.

Different ages and sizes, love and connection only growing stronger.