Who's Marbles?

Who's Marbles?

I had a lovely, kind, 65’ish white fellow helping me at the post office yesterday. As he was ringing up my purchases, I asked him about an express mail envelope sitting on his left on the counter.

It had a large rectangular orange sticker stuck on the side that read in large, black letters:


“Is that really cremains?” I asked.

“Oh, yes. They get mailed all the time.”

Short pause.

“But they have to be mailed Express.”

“Mmhhmm,” I said.

“Those,” he pointed with his thumb over his shoulder, “are going to be turned into marbles…(Insert vision of kids playing.) to be turned into jewelry later.”

I left the post office with new information, and as I laughingly shared the story with Buds on a walk later, I said, “And I thought I was weird because I want to be laid out in a forest somewhere.”

“Oh, you can both be weird,” he replied.


Let’s shoot Grandma takes on new meaning.