Spring Break Week and Easter 2023
Contains video. Watch at website.
Easter weekend came at the end of Spring Break for the kids this year, so we had a week of time together, a couple family dinners, and then a beautiful weekend before people got back to school work.
All of the kids had work to do over the week, and I love seeing them helping and supporting each other.
We’ve all been thrilled to see the return of the sun and warmer temperatures. Several family walks have me smiling as we meander the neighborhood together.
Buds and I biked out for an adventure on Saturday afternoon. We’re planning for 2 weeks of being car-free in the summer and we’ve been learning to expand our boundaries of what can be accomplished on the bikes.
Groceries, spices, and fun; there was room for it all on the bikes.
We had an Easter dinner on Saturday night of pasta and roasted broccoli, with lava cakes for dessert, then Sunday morning we revived our Christmas tradition of cinnamon rolls.
While we waited for the rolls to rise, Buds and Yessa had a practice drive.
Then our egg hunt. Eggs hidden in the dining and living rooms, high and low, and one big gift for Yessa since I didn’t get any vegan chocolate. And Buds insisted a Pez dispenser was a great gift. I disagreed, but the kids loved it.
After the hunt comes the trading:
Then we settled in for a long family conversation about the present, the future, jobs, school, money, and plans.
My gratitude for the adults these children have become is boundless. They have taught me so many things and given us so many gifts; their time, wisdom, humor, and vision.
As the earth reawakens, my gratitude for them grows ever deeper.