Thanks, Moms!

Thanks, Moms!

Mary brought another of her magical three-ring binders on this latest visit, and thanks to the treasures in there, and my mom’s efforts 28 years ago to keep track of the memories I thoughtlessly tossed away, I think we have a complete record of all the wedding items that didn’t make it into the official wedding photo album.

This is the shadow box my mom lovingly created for us decades ago. The ribbon is the pattern used for our bridesmaids’ dresses. The gem and the pearls are from the white tennis shoes I decorated and wore for the wedding and reception. You can see them in this shot below.

That’s my brother Steven holding my hand, my nephew, Artie, on my right, and Saffi walking alongside Buds, ready to catch the dress.

Also in the shadowbox are some of the hundreds of paper cranes Buds and I crafted to be scattered on the tables as a thank you gift for the attendees, along with the card that had the explanation of the meaning behind the cranes.

And finally, the satin cloth flower in the bottom left corner is the craft project my mom and friends and family spent many hours on. They sewed these flower cones, taped them to the floral sticks, then painstakingly filled them with bird seed so that people could fling the bird seed at us with a higher velocity than if they just had hand fulls of seed to toss.

As you can see by Brother Z’s face in the next photo, he is preparing to whip that flower of seed at us as hard as he can. And when we got to the bottom of the stairs, our flower girl, Liz, was up on her dad’s shoulders and was able to dump her flower of seed right down the front of my dress with the unerring aim of accident. When I took the dress off hours later, I had seed pods plastered to my body. Despite these memories, or possibly because of them, we loved the flowers, and the love that went into making them.

Saffi already had her fling at us.

You can see Liz on her dad’s shoulders in the background here.And notice my Chuck Taylor tennis shoes. I’d use those for lifting now.

Items that Mary had tucked into the wedding memory binder she brought us that I had not had copies of:

This the wedding announcement that went into Buddie’s hometown paper.

The picture that went with the engagement announcement in the newspaper.

In this early internet era, we were still using paper maps, so Buds created these inserts for the wedding invitations to help people find their way.


This next picture was a fantastic find from Mary!

The only picture we have of the decorated truck!

Mary also saved several copies of the wedding program and many more pictures.

All of it brings back such joyful memories.

Thanks, Mary and Babs! You saved us from losing so many of these memories that our 20 year young brains didn’t know we wouldn’t want to lose.

Now, if only someone could find our wedding video. 😉😳