Date Day

Date Day

If I weren’t me, this post would bore me to tears, so feel free to skip it. It’s filled with the tales of a day of minutiae that I want to remember, but no one else needs to.

You’ve been warned.

A true love who shares your sense of humor is relationship bedrock for us.

Buds and I had a whole day of errands and outings on Saturday and we laughed the whole time.

Hoping one of the kids might want to join us, we didn’t head out until Yessa was up and declined our offer. Shockingly, she wasn’t as excited as we were about errands.

But she did work with us to clean up all of our spices.

First up for the errands was the “Ecopark.” We had styrofoam and tiny batteries to recycle. The recycling place in Nashville was outside, so we were surprised here to pull into a huge warehouse building that had locations for the various recycling spots. It was clean, organized, and a much better environment for the employees. 10/10 will visit again.

After the Ecopark, we washed the car, which Buddie detailed in another post. (See what I did there?) 😉

Then we headed to Goodwill, but it was closed.

I only mention that because the location for Goodwill is right by our next errand, and knowing that when I was planning our stops is an indication that I’m actually developing a mental map of where things are located here. That’s a huge step.

From this failed stop we headed to Niblacks for spices, but detoured into the coffee roaster next door to Niblacks to try out their beans. We didn’t make it to the public market this morning, which is where we normally buy our beans, so this was a great excuse to try out somewhere new.

I had to stop to gasp with laughter at Buddie’s post about the car wash as we walked into the bean roaster.

Looking shiny.

After the beans were purchased and we sat and planned and daydreamed as we drank cups of coffee, we spent half an hour wandering the spice store, buying all the things we needed, and more. It’s a store that invites plans for huge, decorative bakes and applying for the Great British Bake-Off, as well as planning barbeques and spicy stir fries.

Because the spice store was lacking one Asian spice Yessa requested, and because it was a beautiful snowy day, and because we are in love with spending time together, we decided to try out a new-to-us international grocery store, which my mental map told me was right by the spice store.

This was a fantastic store to wander through. We slacked the kids to let them know we had made a stop here and the orders came rolling in.

Shockingly, no one asked for
sliced pickled lettuce.
We get the parents of the year award from us for finding fresh kimchi.

From here to Trader Joe’s for necessary items and then home. We were both tired of our jaunting around and were grateful for the kids to jump in on putting things away.

But wait! That’s not all.

After having a delicious few hours at home with the family, talking, laughing, and working, Buds and I walked down to our local movie theater to see the new Ant-Man movie.

A snowy day.

There were only 6 of us in the theater.

We love this place where they bring your food and drinks right to your seat. The office chairs are very comfortable. 😁
My own L.L. Bean ad. 🥰🥰

We weren’t huge fans of the movie, but it did give us great fodder for discussion on the way home.

We stopped to take a picture of this baby tree we noticed on the walk to the theater.

It’s growing in this inhospitable crack because of the leaky gutter overhead. In the spring and summer it would be ideal. Yet the leak coats it in ice over the winter. Protective coating of ice or killer? Spring will show us.

Back home for the end of our beautiful snowy day. I say with Buster while he worked on a few items and Buds headed in for his snore time.

It was a glorious day. I loved all of it.