Back She Goes

Back She Goes

Having Monkey living at home for a week was a relaxing delight for all of us, but especially her. She didn’t really want to go back, but she also recognizes the value in sometimes doing the hard things, and she packed up her items without complaint.

We all went along for the fun, and since after 6 p.m. she can only have 2 visitors at a time, we headed over around 5 p.m.

It only took one trip to carry in what she had needed to bring home, so many hands were very appreciated. We had time to sit and visit after her room was settled back into its cozy order.

Buds had quite the chuckle when he was unpacking her backpack and learned she has a little stool she carries in there to her classes since her feet don’t touch the floor in the chairs. He was both tickled by its size and by the neat way it fit in the backpack.

Buds hadn’t seen her stool she carries in her backpack.

Both grandmas have sent Monkey pictures to help her feel loved and the two latest from my mom were fun to see.

Baby Ginnie in the old-fashioned crib

Buds and Gin at Ginnie’s grad. school graduation.


We grabbed a family photo and the first shot is as I’m complaining that I’m often the one taking the group photos and it never gets my good side.

The second photo is taken as Yessa is saying, “You don’t have a bad side, Mom.” just as Buster is saying, “Why do you look like a demon?”

I guess they can both be true. 😆

We hugged our way out the door, and when we got home we were delighted to see MoonStar looking at us from her perch in Yessa’s bedroom,

The house feels incomplete again, but so dang proud of Monkey and her spirt.

Sister snuggles.