That's So Iowa

That's So Iowa

Yessa and I had a great visit with Babs at the beginning of this week. Throw in the wintery mix, visiting with family, attending a junior high basketball game, driving practice in the state park where many of my elementary school field trips and picnics were held, and it felt like we had the full Iowa experience.

I even bought lotto tickets on the drive there because it was such an easy, beautiful drive and I was feeling lucky!

Mom had a list of tasks ready for us and we wiped those out quickly.

Bed adjustment.

Yessa wanted to make a bunch of meals for Grandma to have in the freezer, so they planned that and we cooked for a couple days, too.

Choosing recipes.

The final choices.

We left her with over 30 meals in the freezer, which felt good for everyone.

There were games and piano playing as well.

And driving practice.

We got to see my great-nephew play basketball, which was great-fun.

And visited Aunt Kathy, Cousin Paula, and Paula’s granddaughter.

Aunt Kathy is the eldest child left of the 17 children from Dad’s side of the family. I think there are only 5 of them left. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Charles’ house was where I would often spend the night when I was a kid because their kids were my age. She’s one of my favorites.

And of course, the cat whisperer got in lots of snuggle time with Mom’s two.

Despite the quicker-than-preferred ending and not getting to see all the family we’d have liked to, it was a splendid visit.