Sweaty 🥵

Sweaty 🥵

Buds and I tried out something we’ve wanted to try for a long time: a sauna!

The infrared sauna boutique is a short walk away and we headed over joking and laughing about how sweaty we might become.

We had no idea what awaited us.

We had our own little room. Emily, the staff person, explained the process to us and then left us to sort it out.
There’s a “heat-proof” booth to put your phone in to play music and the touch screen where you can turn the heat up or down.

The other distraction was chromatotherapy. Supposedly the color of the light overhead adjusts your body’s vibrations.

You can imagine the snort Buddie gave to this. I was all for trying out the different colors, but we couldn’t figure out how to do it so we stuck with green for this time.

The heat was set at 155° when we went in. We turned it down slightly for our first time.


It took Buds about 15 minutes to start sweating, but I had rivers of rivulets within 5 minutes. We purchased a 30 minute session, and I’m not sure how someone could do 45 minutes. Our friend Kaley had told us she would be staring at the timer, willing the final minutes to tick away, and she was not wrong.

You aren’t trapped in there, but much like a workout, there’s a feeling of accomplishment to lasting the whole time. I stepped out once to take a deep breath of the cooler air, but Buds stuck with it.

My gosh, so sweaty. Our heart rates got up into the 110-120, which is a respectable workout. I was so glad Kaley told us to bring loose clothes to put on afterward because wiggling into yoga pants would not have worked.


Why do naked shoulders look so very naked?

We’ll go at least one more time because we purchased a buy one-get one, but not sure Buddie is in love with it as he thought he’d be.

Overall, a good, sweaty time had by both.