
Monkey needed to swap math classes. She met with one advisor; gathered information. Then met with a different advisor, Melissa, the next day. I trailed along as mostly-silent support.

After Monkey shared her autism diagnosis with Melissa, this kind woman shared that her son is also on the spectrum and some of the academic mazes she has helped him navigate, as well as her own academic issues.

At the end of the meeting, Melissa made time to tell Monkey what a fantastic job she had done self-advocating.

Then she turned to me and told me what a good job I had done in my quiet support and in helping Monkey prepare for these new stages.

I’m tearing up as a write this because of the gratitude for someone understanding.

Buds and I have a seamless connection; in addition, I have several friends who give me unconditional support and who have kids who share similar/adjacent needs. We’re here for each other, so it’s not that I’m lacking in support.

But to have a stranger meet your kiddo, be impressed by your kiddo, be able to help your kiddo, praise your kiddo, and then to give you thanks for the hours you’ve put in…to truly be seen…

It patched up a crack in my heart I didn’t know was there.