Smoking That Goo Goo Ga Ga

Smoking That Goo Goo Ga Ga

As do most families, we have our private jokes and shared stories that make us smile and draw us closer together. Buster asked me to blog about this one because it has been a favorite for awhile now.

This picture was shared in the family slack channel and became an immediate favorite.

The phrases “baby bongle” and “smoking that goo goo gaa gaa” are much more useful and multipurpose than you might realize. We smell weed with relative frequency here in the ROC, so that’s an easy one, but also when someone’s a little sleepy or goofy.

“You’ve been smoking that goo goo gaa gaa, Buddie?”

It’s making me laugh right now, just thinking about it.

Might need to go find a baby bongle…