Not sure what Buds was doing on the day we met, and he doesn’t remember, but it was a Friday and I had a full day teaching, then stopped at the gym for a step aerobics class.

After class I drove in my cherry red Chevy S10 to the apartment that Ragsbottom and I shared, cleaned up and threw on the little black dress I borrowed from Rags for the evening.

Ready for an evening of ball room dancing…and falling in love.

Today, 29 years later, we started the day with physical activity as well.

Team workout at CrossFit. Then grocery shopping and some work around the house.

Anyone else think I’m channeling The Nutty Professor in this photo?

Tonight, we walked out to dinner at Addis Ababa. It was below zero wind-chill, so no little black dress this time. My toes were freezing on the one mile walk there; Buddie’s legs were frozen on the way home. Seems fair.

We reflected on our younger selves, looking forward to a fun evening out back in 1994, but with no idea of the life-altering connection to come. We’ve discussed the night we met many times, yet it still gives me a thrill to think about those few hours that night where the connection I felt to this man I had just met dawned on me.

We make countless decisions everyday; most of them signifying nothing. And then you make one that changes everything.

My gratitude is eternal.