Writing Home

Writing Home

I took a writing class on Sunday. Called “Writing Home” it was sponsored by Akimbo Books and led by Samantha Steiner.

Due to a fire at Akimbo Books, the workshop was moved to Happy Gut Sanctuary, another new place for me, so I went into Sunday with no expectations, but lots of hope.

I was surprised by the intense excitement that thrummed through my veins as the group gathered. Being with all new people for the first time in a very long time, to write together! Sunshine could have been shooting out my fingertips and I would not have been surprised.

Samantha was a superb group leader, setting the positive, supportive tone for reviewing each other’s writing. She passed around writing prompts; we would write for 10 minutes about our prompt and then those who wanted to share their writing could.

The 3 prompts I received were:

Wrote about my brother.

Wrote about a different brother.

Wrote about my parents’ old house.

Though only 2 hours, the burst of joy and drive to write and create and dream stayed with me all day. I loved meeting the new people and an email is already passing around the attendees to discern interest in meeting up regularly.

Writing resources I learned about:

Reedsy for writing prompts


I emailed Samantha the presenter to tell her what a wonderful job she did and she wrote back with a compliment that warmed my heart.

“Thank you for sharing so generously. I think I wasn’t the only person in the room who was deeply moved by your writing.”

Oh frabjous day. Delight washes over me again and again.