One Week Complete

We moved Monkey into the residence hall a week ago and all three kiddos have completed their first week of classes.

Monkey has a creative writing course, Global Health (in person), a math course, and Intro to Programming, which includes a lab class via zoom.

Buster is in for a math class, a writing class, and Japanese (in person).

Yessa has ASL (in person), Intro to Sociology, and a biology class.

The crossover is strong this semester. Buster and Monkey are in different math classes, but both classes are taught by the same professor Yessa took her math class with last semester. Buster has his English class with the professor Monkey had for the same class last semester, and is taking her creative writing class with this semester. In fact, the professor just asked Buster if Monkey is his sister in his first discussion post. 😁 Yessa is able to use Buster’s sociology book from last semester though she has a different professor.

Several good things happening already for everyone.

Buster’s Japanese professor had 10 minute conferences with each student on Thursday night. I sat nearby while Buster met with her and it was so interesting to listen to. Buster is a very private person so when the professor dove right in to asking him questions he didn’t have answers to, (What do you want to do with your life? What was your favorite class in high school? Okay, as a homeschooler what did you find interesting?) I was proud of him for finding honest answers while also being true to himself.

It was also obvious how much she sincerely wanted to help him. She wanted him to understand why Japanese would be valuable for him, and that she was there to help him succeed in whatever he chose.

This college thing is working out pretty well.