Freaky Friday Figments

Freaky Friday Figments

Post contains video, watch at website.

This workout last week had lots of squats and lots of thrusters. Both these movements are Buddie favorites. He loves to squat.

The strength portion.

The workout

On the way home after the workout he said, “I wish you could be in my body for a day, Ginnie, to feel how good squatting can feel.”

He’s right, I would love that. Very much.

“What would you want from me, if we “freaky Fridayed”? I asked him.

I was surprised how quickly he had his answer.

“I’d love to know what to say to people in any situation and to be comfortable talking to anyone.”

This conversation has stayed with me. There is some piece of everyone I know that I would love to “try on” for a day. Everyone has something to teach, some inner wisdom to share. It was good to get that reminder.

And I really would love to be Buds on “leg day.”

This is from a few years back, but he’s still “strong like ox.”