New Year's Adventures 2022

New Year's Adventures 2022

Contains multiple videos. Watch at the website for best experience.

Buddie’s brother and 2 cousins flew up from Nashville and the grandparents drove over from Vermont. We all met up in Pittsfield, MA for a weekend of fun and connection.

Mocha waited at home for Theresa from down the road to pick her up later in the day for a weekend of sleepovers at Theresa’s house. The cats would be checked on a time or two as well. We were ready to go!

Heading out on Friday morning. Loaded with food, games, and smiles.

It was only a 4 hour drive and we headed straight to Bousquet Mountain where everyone was meeting. Skiing for Buds and Yessa from our family. Tubing for the rest of us.

Takes a lot of gear to ski.

It was sunny and snowy. The perfect combo.

The weather was so gorgeous!

With cold toes, red noses, and happy hearts, our crew headed to the Airbnb we were sharing with Buddie’s parents. It will get its own post shortly because it was fantastic and so perfect for our weekend of being together.

Once Uncle Z and his group were settled in at their place, they came over for a meal, games of all kinds, and planning for the rest of the weekend.

Teaching Nonni how to play Quiplash and Fibbage.

Notre Dame was on.

One of the best parts of the weekend was our kids getting quiet time to visit with their grandparents individually.

Buddie’s mom brought several fantastic gifts, which will also get their own post, and Buddie’s parents also brought Monkey and Yessa’s cousin secret Santa gifts which were a big hit.

Yessa gets her own weighted blanket.

Saturday was a relaxed start with a trip over to Williamstown planned. We invaded the home of Scott, Buddie’s college assistant wrestling coach, and he and his wife, Bernice, were gracious and welcoming. Buddie’s mom is also friends with them, so it was a great time of connecting.

Scott is high energy and so personable. And has a fantastic handstand.

We visited at their house for awhile, and Aunt K, Uncle Z’s sister-in-law, joined us here. Then we headed to Williamstown and Scott toured us around campus.

He was excited to show us the newest Science building on campus, and it is gorgeous and inviting and inspiring.

Scott will be retiring in 2024 after a long, busy career at Williams and his capstone will be this indoor climbing space he’s been working toward for over a decade. We were glad we got to see his pride and joy.

After some final laughs and hugs, we bid Scott farewell and headed off to have lunch in Williamstown.

After lunch, Yessa, Buds and I walked around downtown more while the rest of the group went off on another adventure.

This gave me a chuckle.

The evening held an outing to see Christmas lights for some of us. It was a rainy, muddy evening, but the lights were still magical. Aunt A had found this: Winterlights at Naumkeag 2022.

Parking in town and bussing to the light display.

The wishing tree was magical in its array of wishes.

Taken by Auntie K.

Taken by Auntie K.

We were pretty wet by the time we caught the bus back to our cars, but I enjoyed the outing. I cannot get enough of Christmas lights.

This was also Mary and John’s 55th Wedding Anniversary, so a delightful dinner was in order. At Aunt Kimmie’s suggestion, we had gotten reservations at Frankie’s and it did not disappoint!

It was an extremely foggy night so we headed over there early and wandered around town until our reservation time came up.

Welcome heat.

We got to wait in the heated “Red Room” until our table was ready.

The dinner was delicious with fun conversations and laughter.

Sunday morning Buds and his folks met up with his siblings for their regular Sunday morning video chat.

Then packing up and final good byes.

It was a wonderful weekend.