
We were at the box on New Year’s Eve day and we did “Circle of Love” as part of our warm-up. Circle of Love is when you work your way around the group and each person picks a stretch for the group to do and answers a question. The question was what you wanted to accomplish in the new year, fitness and non-fitness goals.

When it got to me, my fitness goal was easy and for my non-fitness goal I could not think of a single thing that wasn’t about supporting or caring for one of my people. I finally said something about writing this blog and the conversation moved on to the next person.

While caring for other people is an important part of who I am, I’m not keen on that being the whole of who I am. I realized, ” It’s okay if it’s about me.” That’s one of my mantras for right now.

Then I read this essay today and it talks about having 2 lists instead of resolutions; things I want more of in my life and things I want less of.

These are lists that would have a positive impact because I do want more caring for people in my life. I’m included as “people.” And clarifying for myself what I want to have less of is also time well spent.

May this year be a blessing to all of us and our world.