Christmas Eve 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

Contains video; view on website.

It was a Saturday and our CrossFit Box was having open gym, so Buds and I headed in for some extra work. In addition to accessory work, he did a lightning fast WOD with burpees over the bar and heavy squat cleans. It was fun to watch.

Then home to hang with our crew as they awakened.

Word games with Yessa.

Monkey and I love talking about and re-reading the books she remembers from childhood Christmas.

This is the book Buddie’s family read the Christmas Story from every year.

There was time to watch my favorite Christmas movie:

And Monkey hunted up one from when she and Buster were wee ones; “The Night Before Christmas” by Mary Engelbreit. Critics hate it, but the nostalgia is strong for us with this one. That rotten Impelstick.

We opened our Christmas Eve gift, and chose to have it be our pajamas so we could lounge around in them and get our family pictures taken.

Dinner and pictures:

We had planned to dial in for the live Christmas Eve service at GNUUC, our church in Nashville, but thanks to bitter cold and rolling blackouts in the Nashville area, the service was cancelled, so we pulled up the Christmas Eve service from the first pandemic Christmas and took joy in seeing beloved faces.

Another delightful Christmas Eve with those I love.