Saying Good Bye To A Giant

Saying Good Bye To A Giant

If you’ve visited us in Rochester, more than likely we walked you by “Buddie’s favorite tree” a block over from us.

Since we first moved in we’ve been in awe of this tree. It was so massive, solid, reassuring. When Todd, Gina, and Jack were here, I think we even tried to see how many humans it took to reach around the entire trunk.

When Buds and I took Mocha for her noon walk today, the tree was coming down.

It was rotting out and I don’t doubt the cautious wisdom of the decision to take it down before it fell down. We’ve seen some mighty windstorms since we moved here, so I understand.

We still mourn the loss of this towering giant that saw so many changes in the world and provided such beauty, shade, and comfort for so many generations.

Courtesy of google, this is how we’ll remember Buddie’s favorite tree.

Buddie’s Favorite Tree