Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Recipes

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Recipes

We have certain foods we eat for certain meals each holiday season, and this year we want to be sure we keep track of the recipes so we don’t have to hunt and guess every year.

Holiday Punch

This was a light, slightly-sweet drink that Buds and I both enjoyed.

Buds and I tested out a new punch recipe to celebrate.

Christmas Eve Dinner

We voted to have our big meal on Christmas Eve so our Christmas Day could be nice and relaxed.

We had macaroni and cheese; vegan and non-vegan. The non-vegan mac team was headed up by Buster, but everyone got a little involved.(We call it mac-n-cheese, even though it’s penne.😉)

Whipping up the vegan cheese sauce.

Vegan mac-n-cheese

Discussing the plan.

Starting to shred the cheese.

Bubble on, 4 boxes of pasta.

All shredders on deck.

She likes feeling tall.

Honey baked ham

Buds made up the recipe for this.

Vegan ham roast from the Vegan Butcher

Vegan “ham” roast. We liked it.

Sautéed broccoli

Our broccoli guy

The rest of the weekend saw our traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls, cheesy pull-apart bread, and a decadent vegan cheesecake to round out all the leftovers.

Monkey was up early and took on the regular cinnamon rolls.

Buds made and sampled the frosting.

Yessa was up for baking the vegan rolls.

Yessa made an extra big batch so we could run some up to Victor and Renee who had a kiddo with covid. I forgot to take pictures, but they were delicious.

The cheesy pull apart bread had two iterations this year so Yessa and I could enjoy it, too.



Vegan Cheesecake

Cherry pie filling on top made it perfect.

Even Waffles was ready to help.

I love the meals where we all have a hand.

Ready to dine.