Canada Calls Us Back

Canada Calls Us Back

Buds cannot get enough light. It doesn’t help that our 1900’s home doesn’t have overhead room light in most of the rooms, but even in our other homes, which did have overhead lights, he still couldn’t get enough light.

His office has a string of lights crisscrossing overhead, a large stand up lamp, and a desk lamp.

“Not enough!” he declared.

Coupled with our need for picture frames, candles, and Monkey needing a bedroom chair, we decided an IKEA visit was required.

Yessa was up for an adventure and we headed out around 7 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Getting those starting shots always a good time. 😆😆

We’re fascinated by Buffalo and we picked out a coffee shop to stop at for breakfast. It was a great spot. The coffee was good, the food a little hit-or-miss, but we liked the atmosphere a lot.

Puzzle books while we wait for our food.

Buddie’s cinnamon roll bun breakfast sandwich.

Yessa and I shared a couple vegan options.

Looks like sausage, all vegan.

As we left the coffee shop, Buds discovered that Buffalo has a Hofbräuhaus that matches the ones we’ve visited in Germany and Austria! We drove by it on our way out of town and they are set up for the typical Christmas Market!

The little brown and white buildings on the right are for the market.

We’ll definitely be making a return trip here for the Bavarian experience.

The trip across the border was fast and efficient. There was a funny moment when the border agent asked me, “Do you have any Canadians with you today?”

“Excuse me?” I asked, very confused.

“Cannabis, marijuana?” he clarified.

After I assured him I did not, the three of us had a good chuckle over that as we drove away.

This IKEA trip was extra joyful for me; Buds and Yessa made all the shopping decisions, and when we got to the lighting department where they planned on spending a fair amount of time, I found a comfy chair and people-watched the whole time as they discussed lamps and lightbulbs!

Getting the adventure started.

Discussing options.

What about this light?

I don’t remember if we’d seen this display before, but it seems healthy to me that the store is finding a way to acknowledge and honor past wrongs.

We were home by 3:30 and all the items have been put together.

Buds got a robe that matches Yessa’s.

Monkey’s chair matches Buster’s, which we all love. It’s so dang comfy!

Now Buddie’s lights in his office:


I think he moved this one out to spotlight the Christmas tree for now.

And he got one final picture with a dragonfly to have on his desk.


It was a fun, fast, efficient trip. Lots of laughter and light.