Yessa Goes Solo

Yessa Goes Solo

For the first time in her 16 years, Yessa was away for 5 days from all the members of our immediate family. But she was staying with Betty and Kate, so it was staying with extended family. ❤️❤️

They had time in Delaware at Paula’s family, stayed with another friend at her beautiful lake house, several new dogs to pet and love, sushi, and I expect more giggles than can be counted.

Off we go for the drive to PA for Kel to meet us.

Mike was glad for the snuggles.

Kel knows I love this “start of the trip” picture.


Macy’s Day parade at Donna’s.

Twinsies on the dock.

The other set of twins on the dock.

Sandy beach sentiment.

Family photo.

The cats had to get their love from alternative sources with Yessa away.

Thanksgiving sillies.

One of many puppers that got loved.

Yessa was thrilled to be given a job just like all the grandkids.

These faces. 😆😆

Bets was home not feeling well, but a final shot of the rest of us.

The long hug goodbye.

We’ve got her!!

We talked with her every day and the whole trip was a delight for her.

“I want to do this again.” she told us.

Thanks for making her feel loved, K, P, K, and B!