Thanksgiving Sunday

Thanksgiving Sunday

We got Yessa back on Saturday so Sunday was our family Thanksgiving. Buds and I were up early to make the turkey (Buds) and the desserts (Ginnie.)

Spatchcocked- before.

Seasoned up.


Frozen sour cherries from this summer going into the desserts.

Two pumpkin pies and a vegan cherry crumble.

As people woke up and we got further into the day, the parts came together.

Monkey is our mashed potato maker, and Yessa jumped in to help with the vegan potatoes.

Table set.

Stuffing, gravy, vegan roast, it’s all coming together.

Vegan roast; cheesecloth gets removed and it gets roasted like a turkey.

It’s so good to be together and so much to be grateful for. Not least, our first Thanksgiving in this house! We moved in on Thanksgiving Day last year.