Happy Belated Halloween

Happy Belated Halloween

Halloween came at a busy time for everyone and in order to have a semblance of a celebration we had to improvise.

Turns out stores stop selling big carving pumpkins after October 31, so we picked up some turkey-shaped cookies to “carve” instead.

And ever since the Halloween where we couldn’t go trick-or-treat with cousins in Nashville because of the car accident in front of our house, the kids have liked having a candy hunt in our own home.

As always, the treat bartering begins.

They each received a Kinder egg with a toy inside and Buster’s glows in the dark!

Yessa’s reminded us of a favorite balancing toy my dad had for years.

Monkey got a deer.

The Nutella treat on the other side of the egg looked a lot like cat food.

Different than other years, but for our first Halloween in this house, a great celebration with these people I love.