Seasonal Learnings [Photo Gallery]

This post contains a photo gallery that you’ll have to see on the website.

We’ve traded two seasons (not hot/hot) for four. Here’s what we’ve learned while seeing all four seasons here in Rochester.

All the seasons were strongly stereotypical. I think this is emphasized by the trees that arch over the street. You feel their life.

Winter: Three big 6-10″ storms alternated with magic days where we’d get an hour of big flakes in the morning but no accumulation. Sidewalk plow. The days weren’t bitter cold, but were below freezing for months.

Spring: A neighbor’s willow exploded in a cascading firework of flowers. Flowers everywhere; lots of purple and fresh green, the colors of this town. Days still cold more often than not.

Summer: The long passage of mild weather. The AC was on for perhaps 10 days this year, while the doors and windows were open for maybe 90. Green trees, long evenings, comfy porches.

Fall: A perpetual “magic hour” for light. “Snowbanks” of leaves forming at the street edge. A real sense of time passing.

The wheel of time alternates between stasis and change. Winter and summer feel like they’ll last forever then clouds of flowers and leaves blast you through spring and fall.