Another Visit To The New House

Another Visit To The New House

Uncle Z and one of our nephews came up for a quick visit as part of a college exploration tour they were on. It was great to have them here and all of us enjoyed the University of Rochester tour.

Mocha loves Uncle Z.

After a long CrossFit workout on one of the mornings of their stay, we drove Z around town and Buds had him walk around this magical house with landscaping we love.

There were many meals and many, many espressos.

Buds had been frying bacon without a shirt on and since that is always a bad idea, he put on an apron and a vest. 😆😆

How about a little Mocha with your espresso?

Games were played.

It was a rainy day for the tour, but we walked all over campus and got a great feel for the university. Plus, free t-shirts!

This nephew is the eldest of the 3 cousin birthday triplets, so we celebrated him with his chosen meal of sushi on the last night of their visit.

The obligatory shot of these two talking Juice.

It was so good to have them here and it went much too quickly.

Buds is working and the eldest two are still asleep, but Yessa and I sent them off with a smile.

We’ll get to see them again at New Year’s, so not too long until we are all together again.