But seriously...

But seriously...

It’s sometimes a surprise how well the people in your life know you. At least a surprise to me.

Buds and I walked downtown to to have breakfast at a local diner over the weekend.

We, of course, stopped to smell the flowers on the way.

Buds often looks shocked in photos. 😁

After we were settled at the diner and had ordered our food, we read the paper and talked of how much we love our life here, as we often do.

Buds says at least a couple times a week how glad he is that we moved and how thankful he is that my wanderlust made the move so rapid.

I was JUST about to mention our moving to Europe plans and when I could start planning for those when he put down his newspaper, looked deep into my eyes across the cups of diner coffee and said in his deep honest voice, “But seriously, we aren’t moving again for a long time.”


Then that night Yessa and I were snuggled on the couch visiting. Buds was over in his office blowing up battleships and I called out, “Hey, Buds, could you come over here?”

Yessa said, “Mom, Dad doesn’t need to come over and take a picture of us on the couch.”

Bwahahaha. How very well they know me.

Finally, yesterday I was talking to Fi about some issues I had with our previous real estate agent and she said, “Did he try to tell you what to do?”

I’m beginning to suspect I’m predictable.