Hung Up

Hung Up

We’ve lived in the house 10 months now so it seemed like a good time to get more pictures hung on the walls. Plus, much of the art had been brought down from the attic and left sitting in the book nook which made that space feel cluttered and uninviting.

With work from Buds, Yessa, and me, we got it done.

I’m a “throw it up on the wall and see if it sticks” kind of a person. Buds and Yessa actually measure and plan for the spaces, which makes it look more organized as well as more beautiful.

Some of the options
Measure twice, nail once.
The center is this year’s Lilac Festival poster, with art work we bought at the festival on the sides.

After hanging up several items, Buds had to take a snuggle break.

“Buster was just so warm,” he told me later. 🥰
Yessa hangs the next picture.
Monkey is teaching herself to knit, so art of a different sort.

After Buds recharged his batteries, we finished clearing out the book nook.

Looking in from the landing.
Sitting in the rocking chair looking out at the bedrooms.

I’m thrilled to have access to our books again and another quiet, cozy place to sit and read.