Europe Trip #2 - July 8-10, 2022 - Walking In Regensburg

Europe Trip #2 - July 8-10, 2022 - Walking In Regensburg

As Buster feels better and more comfortable, I have felt more comfortable about leaving him alone for longer stretches. And a bonus from being here much longer than expected is truly getting to explore this town.

Our first apartment was in one part of the city centre, the apartment where Buds and the lassies stayed was across the centre, toward the cathedral, the second apartment for Buster and me was that direction, but toward the train station and the palace, and our final resting spot, the Holiday Inn was further out, but an easy walk from all these places I now know well.

I’ve walked by the school and the park. I know that I turn at the green scaffolding and when I walk by “Miss Hong Sushi” I’m on the right track. I like this feeling of comfort and connection, though not the cause.

This morning was about doing our last load of laundry. The 11 minute walk took me 15 due to trying out a route google maps hadn’t considered viable. 😆

It wasn’t.

Once back with the laundry and checking in, off I went to explore. Getting inside the cathedral was top of the list, as well as a pepper pretzel from the cafe we have liked best.

Saint Peter’s Cathedral was really interesting to me. Its side altars are so simple in comparison to most we’ve seen, and in contrast its stained glass windows are elaborate and mesmerizing.

I found this other person’s blog post that gives a fantastic overview of Regensburg.

Down into the crypt, intriguing columns and faces of priests:

A simple altar in the crypt.

Back upstairs to see a little more.

One of the largest hanging organs in Europe.
The silver vessels hold the oils for holy rites of various types.
A holy kiss
In the other person’s blog post I linked above, they said any time you see pregnant women kissing in church statue form, you can trust it’s Mary (Jesus’ Mom) and Elizabeth ( Mary’s cousin and Saint John the Baptist ‘s Mom.)

After the cathedral, a pepper pretzel.

This was the cafe where we had coffee and breakfast most days. You wouldn’t think a pepper pretzel would be so delicious, but interestingly, I like it as much as the salt bread in Rochester. 🤔

I also signed up for a tour of the palace. What I didn’t realize/notice/process was that there was nothing indicating the tour would be in English.

And it wasn’t.

I had a marvelous time using all my people-watching, body language skills to try to understand what was being discussed. I could often tell when a joke was coming by the change in tenor in the tour guides voice, and the solemnity of the faces dictated when I looked serious. It was comical and interesting.

No pictures were allowed inside the buildings, but this was an interesting palace with a variety of styles and feelings in the various spaces and rooms. I loved the feel of it, grand sweeping rooms suited for dancing and private bedrooms for intimate conversations. A small, dark, private chapel and a large, white, stony church were two of my favorite areas.

The Germans and me starting our tour.
The drive to come into the courtyard.
I screenshot this image of the chapel from the website. This space felt holy and restful to me.

Other fun shots from around town:

I enjoyed my jaunts around town. And I look forward to going back someday.