Nashville Calls Me Back

Nashville Calls Me Back

I’m flying solo for the first time since my brother’s death in early 2020. I have no recollection of what seats I sat in on those flights, but today I sat in a window seat for the first time in decades since I’m usually flying with people who prefer the window seat. 🥰🥰

What a delight it was. It was an early start to the day, but being on a sunrise flight was well worth it.

I was mesmerized by the clouds.

The people movers at Dulles have gotten an update, I was surprised to see. When we flew through here in mid-July, we were still on the old-style movers. Cramped, dingy, dark. It felt like the 1950’s smoker was still sitting right next to you.

These new movers are bright, clean, seats down the sides, totally open in the center with grab bars overhead. They weren’t at all crowded so I had an easy time visiting with the folks on both sides of me.

I had a constant feeling of surprise as I moved through the airports and flights, and I finally realized it was because I was expecting my fellow travelers to not speak English. 😆😆

My flight to Nashville is boarding and I’m excited to see family and friends and the old home.

Have a great weekend.

I miss you, my people in Rochester. 💖💖