Community College Notes

Yessa is settled in her back row seat and I’m enjoying the beautiful, crisp, sunny day.

She asked me to check for an item at the bookstore for her and it gave me time to notice a few things as I walked across campus.

The wide range of ages of folks who attend and teach classes here is evident from the reading glasses available in the bookstore. Wearing a purse around campus definitely tags me as a non-student. I’ve got identical twin sisters studying at a table in front of me and that’s mesmerizing.

Kids still love to chat and laugh and walk together. Some try to look cool and hip and I’ve generally found if someone is truly cool and hip, as in settled in their own skin, the more likely they are to smile and say hello.

And glory of glories, on this campus that will eventually be covered in snow, all the buildings are connected, except for the residence halls. Students can walk everywhere they need without going outside. What a blessing, especially for folks with mobility issues!!

Looking forward to hearing Yessa’s stories of today.